On July 18, 2023, the Institute of Philosophy and Theology at the Heidelberg University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany, hosted an engaging discussion during its ‘Sozietät’. Dr. Tom Wellmann, junior professor of philosophy and ethics, and Prof. Dr. Katja Boehme, professor of catholic theology and religious education, discussed the question: “To what extent can and should the school subjects of ethics and religion cooperate in school?”
Faculty members and university students of ethics, philosophy, and theology as well as additional interested people participated in the hybrid event.
The evening began with a presentation of Prof. Dr. Boehme´s newest book called "Interreligiöses Begegnungslernen. Grundlagen einer fächerkooperierenden Didaktik von Weltsichten". She outlined the influence of philosophical and theological didactics on her concept of encounter learning.
A panel discussion with Dr. Wellmann followed the book presentation. Dr. Wellmann and his colleagues examined the role of philosophy and ethics in discussions of worldviews. This discussion resulted in the desire for more communication opportunities between the subjects of theology and philosophy, the wish to include more subjects in the Sharing Worldviews project and new thought-provoking insights for everyone.
In spite of conflicting opinions, all participants agreed that encounters and conversations are crucial for the cohesion of society. This evening´s discussions served as an example for the conversations which should be embraced and continued.