The Erasmus+ PROJECT

The project *)

"Sharing Worldviews : Learning in Encounter for Common Values in Diversity" is an Erasmus+ funded project. Under the leadership of the Heidelberg University of Education, it started in November 2021 and will run until February 2024. The goal is to qualify future teachers for the plural school in our plural societies. Among other things, this multilingual digital teaching, learning, interaction, and collaboration platform is being implemented for this purpose. Didactic material developed as part of the project will be made accessible there. In addition, an internationally recognised additional qualification for teachers will be initiated. This is a work in progress!

*) “This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

First project results

In the context of the concept and purpose of "Worldviews Learning in Encounter", a relevant web-based educational programme was developed and implemented on a cross-country and inter-university level. According to the results, there was a certain improvement in all of the studied parameters of interreligious & intercultural competencies of the participating students.

(The article is only available in greek)

Mitropoulou Vasiliki | Boehme Katja | Meke Maria: Online Inter-religious encounters: an implementation in higher education
