
This lecture explores the topic of “understanding each other in a plural context” from anthropological point of view. The lecture draws on the anthropological perspective that human beings cannot be understood simply as biological objects. We are persons in essential relation with other persons and bound them by obligations and rights.
Through the Conceptual Clarity Model( CCM), the lecture presents the Qur’anic concept of ta’aruf (getting to know each other) from the perspective of Islam to engage students with relevant information and questions that are to elicit their fears of encountering the other and help them develop personal reflection. To assist students become more confident in questioning their beliefs and assumptions as of the basis for a larger and more adequate view of their relations and responsibilities is the basic aim of the lecture.


One lecture (approximately 90 minutes)

Key Terms

Human being as relational being, Taaruf, Mutual understanding.

Key competences / Learning outcomes

  • Self-awareness and awareness of others,
  • Respectful engagement,
  • Questioning competence,
  • Competence to think in a complementary way.